Red Matter
Updated 5 years ago
11.4 K
Retro, Action, Adventure, Mobile
Development Blog:
Twitter: @realMeGames


Hi everyone! Red Matter is a 2D endless runner recently created by myself for the Unity 2D Challenge. Red Matter uses Unity Store Assets, custom lighting, and custom distortion effects. Gravitational lensing is a common effect used in Red Matter; every Red Matter collectible will distort the world around it. I have spent many sleepless nights getting Red Matter to this point and running at high frame-rate on mobile devices. If you like what you see, check me out my Twitter, LinkedIn, development blog - enjoy!


Red Matter offers simple gameplay that can be expressed in complex ways by the user. The character, Stella Striker continually runs forward and can only change directions by hitting energy vortexes in the level. As of now, the player can jump, climb, and launch out of cannons. Soon the player will be able to dash forward, attack, and double jump.
Red Matters custom lighting solutions allow for hundreds of dynamic lights on the screen. This makes for some beautiful scenes.


  • Unity Animations
  • Unity Post Processing
  • Unity Particle Systems
  • Ferr2D Terrain Tool
  • Spine Animations
  • Custom built Distortion Effects
  • Custom built Lighting Effects
Red Matter uses Ferr2D to build all the terrain and landscapes. It utilizes unity animations to make the distortion effects change dynamically at runtime. The custom distortion technology always for transform changes to change the distortion effect, thus we are able to plug it into the Unity Animations systems.