Yggdrasil Vault
Updated 5 years ago
Yggdrasil Vault
Hi everyone! Given the tight deadline here, I'm hoping to have at least something to show by the due date. I'm typically a solo indie dev/designer, however for this competition I will also be mentoring my apprentice with all facets of the design, modeling, texturing, lighting, and demo scene workflow - and we will put together this submission as a team. He is literally only weeks into his apprenticeship and shows great promise. This will be our first asset store post under my Publisher/Company - we'll see how it goes. Best of luck to everyone who is competing.
Our submission will be sticking to the Yggdrasil theme as it pertains to the Buried Memories Storyline: Technology / Enlightenment / Knowledge / Artificial Intelligence / Hybrids / Sci-Fi / Organics / Post Cataclysmic Event / etc..
[UPD 190412] - Last day time to submit - will we make the deadline - I'm not so sure. Our package has been uploading for the past hour and it is crawling to the finish line at this point. This project was a ton of fun, and a huge learning experience for both me and my team mate. It was our first attempt at using Substance Designer / Painter, and his first foray into 3d modeling, uv's, texturing, etc.. as a whole. All in all I think we did ok - many of the textures will need to get reworked as we simply didn't have enough time / experience using the tools to do everything we wanted to. Maybe next time. There are also quite a few models sitting in the models folder that are without substances at this time, we will definitely be updating those in the future as time permits. Here are some images of our scene composition, again... not what we planned, but something we threw together because of the time constraint. Thanks all who participated, its been great seeing all of the wonderful submissions by all of you talented creators. Take care.

[UPD 190319] - Starting to greybox out the scene in unity - proving to just eat up time. We finally figured out how to use the Collab tool in Unity to allow faster iteration of the scene and contained elements. We've noticed many of us with submissions have similar ideas - which makes sense, but just makes it that much harder to come up with original things. Will be posting more WIPs soon - keep it up all - competition is growing more fierce by the day.
WIP 02B: Core previews - Working on more proof of concepts for the "Core" with possible wiring configuration. Included both a viewport capture and a quick lighting test render.

WIP 02A: Orb w/Roots Preview - Here are some WIPs from last week for some of the portions I have been working on. Roots surrounding an orb/pod - mainly just proof of concepts at this point - time is ticking away.
WIP 01: Robotic Arm Preview - Here is an example of a robotic type arm my team mate has been working on.. So far so good - still lots and lots to do and not a ton of time to do it..