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14 Dec 2019
Build a ship with cubes, the put some thrusters on it. Right click on each thruster and set a key to activate that thruster (note, don't use wasd, cause those move the camera). Now fly your ship! --- During the previous Unity cyber week sale, I purchased a lot of ship "part kits" and a few ship combat and space sim kits. To bring those together with the Gestalt design, I first must be able to, ingame, snap parts of a kit together and make a functioning ship in Unity physics. This is where I'll publish and update as I go along with that. I am following along with quill18creates's tutorial initially, but will apply my own design and purchased art once I get closer to the end of the tutorials.
Build a ship with cubes, the put some thrusters on it. Right click on each thruster and set a key to activate that thruster (note, don't use wasd, cause those move the camera). Now fly your ship! --- During the previous Unity cyber week sale, I purchased a lot of ship "part kits" and a few ship combat and space sim kits. To bring those together with the Gestalt design, I first must be able to, ingame, snap parts of a kit together and make a functioning ship in Unity physics. This is where I'll publish and update as I go along with that. I am following along with quill18creates's tutorial initially, but will apply my own design and purchased art once I get closer to the end of the tutorials.
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