Unity Play Logo
How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
Changes made after completing the tutorial: 1. Put an extra victory zone at a second house on the top of the level along with an alien to reward exploration 2. Changed the color of the player to yellow 3. Increased the gravity modifier to 2 for a better challenge 4. Added some tokens before a big jump, so the player has to backtrack to collect all the tokens 5. Added two green-coloured plants in the path to the alternative ending to better communicate that that path exists 6. Changed the overall color of the Background and Level tile palletes so that the player can see the gaps in the tiles 7. Changed the camera viewport for a wider view of the game to make the alternative ending more of a challenge 8. Added some extra enemies on strategic locations 9. Added some decorations to liven up the game environment 10. Added some tokens next to the first alien. The player cannot interact with the alien and the tokens will make it clearer that the player should respawn to continue playing the game.
Changes made after completing the tutorial: 1. Put an extra victory zone at a second house on the top of the level along with an alien to reward exploration 2. Changed the color of the player to yellow 3. Increased the gravity modifier to 2 for a better challenge 4. Added some tokens before a big jump, so the player has to backtrack to collect all the tokens 5. Added two green-coloured plants in the path to the alternative ending to better communicate that that path exists 6. Changed the overall color of the Background and Level tile palletes so that the player can see the gaps in the tiles 7. Changed the camera viewport for a wider view of the game to make the alternative ending more of a challenge 8. Added some extra enemies on strategic locations 9. Added some decorations to liven up the game environment 10. Added some tokens next to the first alien. The player cannot interact with the alien and the tokens will make it clearer that the player should respawn to continue playing the game.
Made with
Platformer Microgame
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