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13 Apr 2020
After another day of Blueman stomping out the slime infestation, he returns home... or so he thinks. The Void cometh. (Sound on!) ================== Let me know in the comments if you managed to beat it! It is a bit challenging :) This is my first project in Unity. Kept it simple and reused the same assets, but added a few (credits below). I didn't modify the movement or collision mechanics to keep the game feeling familiar to those who have played the microgame, but it is finnicky and results in tiny bugs. I learned a lot about the Command pattern and Unity itself, excited to continue my education and make some cool games! Credits: - Energy Drain sound by "qubodup" https://opengameart.org/content/energy-drain - Slime monster sounds by "qubodup" https://opengameart.org/content/slime-monster - Enemy song by "Señor Moreno" https://opengameart.org/content/enemy-song-evorg
After another day of Blueman stomping out the slime infestation, he returns home... or so he thinks. The Void cometh. (Sound on!) ================== Let me know in the comments if you managed to beat it! It is a bit challenging :) This is my first project in Unity. Kept it simple and reused the same assets, but added a few (credits below). I didn't modify the movement or collision mechanics to keep the game feeling familiar to those who have played the microgame, but it is finnicky and results in tiny bugs. I learned a lot about the Command pattern and Unity itself, excited to continue my education and make some cool games! Credits: - Energy Drain sound by "qubodup" https://opengameart.org/content/energy-drain - Slime monster sounds by "qubodup" https://opengameart.org/content/slime-monster - Enemy song by "Señor Moreno" https://opengameart.org/content/enemy-song-evorg
Made with
Platformer Microgame
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