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Unity course assignment 2 version 2. Turn the audio on! Press the left/right keys on the keyboard to move the astronaut left/right, and the up/down keys to move forward/backward. Press the spacebar to shoot! Try to eliminate all of the asteroids... (hint: they won't stop until you click the x in the top right corner!). Mods: added forward/back control, changed the angle of the projectiles/targets, added an array for the projectiles, changed the farmer, food and animals to free unity assets astronaut, fireballs and asteroids. Added background music and a 'pew' effect when a fireball is triggered. Added star material to the skybox and added a prefab asset with an animated nebula and animated star galaxy. Changed the grounds to rings of a planet from a unity asset prefab. Changed the angles of the projectiles and targets so that it seemed more natural with the camera tilt
Unity course assignment 2 version 2. Turn the audio on! Press the left/right keys on the keyboard to move the astronaut left/right, and the up/down keys to move forward/backward. Press the spacebar to shoot! Try to eliminate all of the asteroids... (hint: they won't stop until you click the x in the top right corner!). Mods: added forward/back control, changed the angle of the projectiles/targets, added an array for the projectiles, changed the farmer, food and animals to free unity assets astronaut, fireballs and asteroids. Added background music and a 'pew' effect when a fireball is triggered. Added star material to the skybox and added a prefab asset with an animated nebula and animated star galaxy. Changed the grounds to rings of a planet from a unity asset prefab. Changed the angles of the projectiles and targets so that it seemed more natural with the camera tilt
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