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Unity Creating with Code #4 - Watch where you're going. Built by Chloë. There are powerups and powerdowns. You can get rid of the powerdowns by knocking them out when you have your powerup ring activated, otherwise they'll end you. Mods Changed all materials and the background particle effect, added oscillation to the powerup ring, set the powerups and powerdowns to only spawn with new enemies if the weren't on the platform already and with particle effects
Unity Creating with Code #4 - Watch where you're going. Built by Chloë. There are powerups and powerdowns. You can get rid of the powerdowns by knocking them out when you have your powerup ring activated, otherwise they'll end you. Mods Changed all materials and the background particle effect, added oscillation to the powerup ring, set the powerups and powerdowns to only spawn with new enemies if the weren't on the platform already and with particle effects
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Vast Outer Space
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