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18 Jul 2020
This is the first project for the "create with code" workshop. I had a lot of fun building this. It was fulfilling. Bonus Features: - Added a box collider so that the vehicles cannot fly off the road. - When any of the players get to the finish line, the game restarts after 5 seconds Instructions Player 1: Arrow Keys + space bar(change camera view) Player 2: WASD + left shift(change camera view)
This is the first project for the "create with code" workshop. I had a lot of fun building this. It was fulfilling. Bonus Features: - Added a box collider so that the vehicles cannot fly off the road. - When any of the players get to the finish line, the game restarts after 5 seconds Instructions Player 1: Arrow Keys + space bar(change camera view) Player 2: WASD + left shift(change camera view)
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