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24 Jul 2020
The animals of your farm are hungry, so you ordered them pizzas. Now, you have to feed them those delicious pizzas! This is my week 2 prototype game from Create with Code Summer 2020. It includes the base features and all the bonus ones as well. I've also added a UI (hunger bar, lives counter, score display and game over screen). I made the sprites for the hunger bar and the lives counter myself using krita, and as the game over screen appears, the game will stop on purpose.
The animals of your farm are hungry, so you ordered them pizzas. Now, you have to feed them those delicious pizzas! This is my week 2 prototype game from Create with Code Summer 2020. It includes the base features and all the bonus ones as well. I've also added a UI (hunger bar, lives counter, score display and game over screen). I made the sprites for the hunger bar and the lives counter myself using krita, and as the game over screen appears, the game will stop on purpose.
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