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How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
03 Aug 2020
NOTE: On the first level, if you fail you have to restart the entire game as there is a gravity bug that is affecting any "Restart" options. I also failed to attach the appropriate script to the "Main Menu" button, causing the level to restart rather than take you back to the main menu. An "Endless Runner" model game made for Create with Code 2020 Summer. Background music can be changed, two different levels, loading screen, title screen, and winning screen additions were also made. This is not a hard game to beat, just an exercise in building games.
NOTE: On the first level, if you fail you have to restart the entire game as there is a gravity bug that is affecting any "Restart" options. I also failed to attach the appropriate script to the "Main Menu" button, causing the level to restart rather than take you back to the main menu. An "Endless Runner" model game made for Create with Code 2020 Summer. Background music can be changed, two different levels, loading screen, title screen, and winning screen additions were also made. This is not a hard game to beat, just an exercise in building games.
Made with
Magic Particle Systems Lite
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