Unity Play Logo
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03 Aug 2020
Create with Code Summer 2020 Week 3 Prototype Project. I had fun making the farmer's aura glow while dashing. Simple UI in the beginning and at the end was added rather quickly this time since it was my 3rd time implementing. Practice makes the skill better. The title screen's Logo took a bit of a struggle for me until I figured out it was best to use RectTransform than Transform. Moving GameObject with transform inside Canvas took the Logo to a different location when the game was created so that took a little trying to figure out the issue. Other than that, this was a smoother build. Learning Coroutine Start delay animation was very interesting. Since it was using Coroutine at the beginning with Time.time function, I used LoadScene in the script to reload the scene. After I implemented LoadScene, I realized how much simpler and efficient it was than to create Reset Function and reset positon and score each individually like I used to do in the previous 2 projects...
Create with Code Summer 2020 Week 3 Prototype Project. I had fun making the farmer's aura glow while dashing. Simple UI in the beginning and at the end was added rather quickly this time since it was my 3rd time implementing. Practice makes the skill better. The title screen's Logo took a bit of a struggle for me until I figured out it was best to use RectTransform than Transform. Moving GameObject with transform inside Canvas took the Logo to a different location when the game was created so that took a little trying to figure out the issue. Other than that, this was a smoother build. Learning Coroutine Start delay animation was very interesting. Since it was using Coroutine at the beginning with Time.time function, I used LoadScene in the script to reload the scene. After I implemented LoadScene, I realized how much simpler and efficient it was than to create Reset Function and reset positon and score each individually like I used to do in the previous 2 projects...
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