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08 Nov 2020
Text Adventure prototype created during Unity Learn Premium’s “Recorded Video Session: Text Adventure Game” tutorial series: https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/recorded-video-session-text-adventure-game-part-1?courseId=5c61706dedbc2a324a9b022d . This text adventure accepts text input (go, examine, take, use, inventory) and consists of two rooms (starting room, orb room). Once you’re in the orb room, use skull to unlock a hidden exit to win the game.
Text Adventure prototype created during Unity Learn Premium’s “Recorded Video Session: Text Adventure Game” tutorial series: https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/recorded-video-session-text-adventure-game-part-1?courseId=5c61706dedbc2a324a9b022d . This text adventure accepts text input (go, examine, take, use, inventory) and consists of two rooms (starting room, orb room). Once you’re in the orb room, use skull to unlock a hidden exit to win the game.
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