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07 Dec 2020
In this strange world there is a balance between bright and warm life and the calm and cool afterlife. The creatures here live peacefully, going about their daily lives. The bird protagonist is the guardian of life who must protect an egg that represents the living half of this established balance between life and afterlife. Without this egg it is known that the balance will shift to a darker and possibly eviler world. An unknown entity steals this egg and the bright life the creatures had before begins shifting into a darker and more geometric environment. The bird must undergo a journey through the world, speaking to the different spirits of this world to guide them to the guardian of the afterlife to get the egg of life back and determine the reason why it was stolen in the first place.
In this strange world there is a balance between bright and warm life and the calm and cool afterlife. The creatures here live peacefully, going about their daily lives. The bird protagonist is the guardian of life who must protect an egg that represents the living half of this established balance between life and afterlife. Without this egg it is known that the balance will shift to a darker and possibly eviler world. An unknown entity steals this egg and the bright life the creatures had before begins shifting into a darker and more geometric environment. The bird must undergo a journey through the world, speaking to the different spirits of this world to guide them to the guardian of the afterlife to get the egg of life back and determine the reason why it was stolen in the first place.
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