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26 Feb 2021
In my spare time during lockdown, I developed an arcade games project with my brother James Hadley. The project consists of 2 classic arcade games reimagined being: Frogger and Space Invaders. Frogger was developed by myself and Space Invaders was developed by James. There were parts of this project where we worked together such as implementing UI, audio and a high score system. Most of the art was created by ourselves using Photoshop with the remaining using assets from the Unity Asset store which had Creative Common licenses.
In my spare time during lockdown, I developed an arcade games project with my brother James Hadley. The project consists of 2 classic arcade games reimagined being: Frogger and Space Invaders. Frogger was developed by myself and Space Invaders was developed by James. There were parts of this project where we worked together such as implementing UI, audio and a high score system. Most of the art was created by ourselves using Photoshop with the remaining using assets from the Unity Asset store which had Creative Common licenses.
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