Unity Play Logo
How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
23 May 2021
I did a couple of things differently from the instructions. For instance, instead of creating a second camera in front of the vehicle, I made the FollowPlayer camera script change the offset value back and forth with each key press. This was an advantage when I decided to create UI for each player, and simply added each text box as a child to the respective camera. That way, the UI continued to show in the same place when switching views, without any further scripting needed. I didn't use instantiate to generate more tanks moving in the opposite direction, because it was chaotic enough as it is trying to control both players myself to record this clip. Besides, that's something we'll probably look at in future classes.
I did a couple of things differently from the instructions. For instance, instead of creating a second camera in front of the vehicle, I made the FollowPlayer camera script change the offset value back and forth with each key press. This was an advantage when I decided to create UI for each player, and simply added each text box as a child to the respective camera. That way, the UI continued to show in the same place when switching views, without any further scripting needed. I didn't use instantiate to generate more tanks moving in the opposite direction, because it was chaotic enough as it is trying to control both players myself to record this clip. Besides, that's something we'll probably look at in future classes.
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