Unity Play Logo
How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
07 Jun 2021
As suggested I implemented all the fixed script, but I also added some better funtionality. I added scenes, a Start Menu, and InGame Pause Menu, an Options Menu (you can change the volume options), and probably the most useful thing is that changing scene the music and sound keeps playing, for this last function all you have to do is add a "DontDestroyOnLoad" to the object that plays sound and music in your game.
As suggested I implemented all the fixed script, but I also added some better funtionality. I added scenes, a Start Menu, and InGame Pause Menu, an Options Menu (you can change the volume options), and probably the most useful thing is that changing scene the music and sound keeps playing, for this last function all you have to do is add a "DontDestroyOnLoad" to the object that plays sound and music in your game.
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