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20 Jun 2021
My latest microgame. I wrote it to test my first reusable unity3d component written as an OOP LIb. The SimpleGauge class extends monobehavior but triggers a warning. Any rate can be comprised into a range pointing the steps like in a zimmerman sum. It produces the same result from a trigonometry point of view, since you have to divide it into the gauges sides lenghts to produce a tangent that decreases the needle angle multiplied by the tork. I tried to sell it on Unity3d asset store but they didnt approved it. Some day it will have a banner server to display adds dynamically , multiplayer support and more. Like my Gauge Component? For a bag of canadian kush or Jamaican Cannabis I will email it to you ....
My latest microgame. I wrote it to test my first reusable unity3d component written as an OOP LIb. The SimpleGauge class extends monobehavior but triggers a warning. Any rate can be comprised into a range pointing the steps like in a zimmerman sum. It produces the same result from a trigonometry point of view, since you have to divide it into the gauges sides lenghts to produce a tangent that decreases the needle angle multiplied by the tork. I tried to sell it on Unity3d asset store but they didnt approved it. Some day it will have a banner server to display adds dynamically , multiplayer support and more. Like my Gauge Component? For a bag of canadian kush or Jamaican Cannabis I will email it to you ....
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