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31 Oct 2021
Controls: WASD to move. Space to perform current action. Hold space to continue crouching (hint: if you keep holding space to crouch and the action changes, you will still be crouching). Press r to reload the level (this counts as a death!). Assets: 2DCharacterController script was from Brackeys: https://github.com/Brackeys/2D-Character-Controller Article on progress bars I used to make my action duration bar: https://fractalpixels.com/devblog/unity-2D-progress-bars Character art was done by my friend Gavin, but I tweaked the color scheme a bit. The art for the dirt blocks was also done by him. The rest of the art and music was made myself.
Controls: WASD to move. Space to perform current action. Hold space to continue crouching (hint: if you keep holding space to crouch and the action changes, you will still be crouching). Press r to reload the level (this counts as a death!). Assets: 2DCharacterController script was from Brackeys: https://github.com/Brackeys/2D-Character-Controller Article on progress bars I used to make my action duration bar: https://fractalpixels.com/devblog/unity-2D-progress-bars Character art was done by my friend Gavin, but I tweaked the color scheme a bit. The art for the dirt blocks was also done by him. The rest of the art and music was made myself.
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