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17 Jun 2022
Controls: Move - Left\Right Arrows or A\D keys Change Food - Up/Down Arrows or W\S keys Throw food - Left Mouse Button or Left Ctrl Feed the animals the food they love to gain score! If you feed an animal the food it doesn't like you will loose the score. Bumping into any animal results in death so be careful! Tip: Horses like carrots Dogs like bones Cows like ... pears! Assets were taken from the course "Junior Programmer Pathway - Unit 2". I felt bad for leave it at the state it was by the end of Unit 2 so decided to add some more functionality to make it something more or less finished Enjoy!
Controls: Move - Left\Right Arrows or A\D keys Change Food - Up/Down Arrows or W\S keys Throw food - Left Mouse Button or Left Ctrl Feed the animals the food they love to gain score! If you feed an animal the food it doesn't like you will loose the score. Bumping into any animal results in death so be careful! Tip: Horses like carrots Dogs like bones Cows like ... pears! Assets were taken from the course "Junior Programmer Pathway - Unit 2". I felt bad for leave it at the state it was by the end of Unit 2 so decided to add some more functionality to make it something more or less finished Enjoy!
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