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How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
08 Jul 2022
This project was made along with FreeCodeCamp tutorial on YT, link in below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB1F9G0JXOo. Making of this project, I've learned C# syntax like IEnumerator and Coroutine function to instantiate enemy with prefabs pool. As my first fully completed project, I'd add some new feature like quitting game, dead scene, pausing and some funny sounds. Hope you enjoy it! "The button on the top-right corner, don't push the button on the right side, that will make the game Exit (this function is build for desktop application."
This project was made along with FreeCodeCamp tutorial on YT, link in below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB1F9G0JXOo. Making of this project, I've learned C# syntax like IEnumerator and Coroutine function to instantiate enemy with prefabs pool. As my first fully completed project, I'd add some new feature like quitting game, dead scene, pausing and some funny sounds. Hope you enjoy it! "The button on the top-right corner, don't push the button on the right side, that will make the game Exit (this function is build for desktop application."
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