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15 Apr 2023
Still life demo for shaders. Once the tutorial showed me how to make the shimmery orb, I was hooked. I created the shaders for the swirly table, the purple mass, the static banana, the eldritch pear and the lava lamp. The lava lamp was by far the most complex - I had to look up quite a few youtube tutorials to figure out how to piece it together. Shaders used to seem scary and unapproachable, but I'm glad I'm doing this course because now I'm seeing just how fun they can be!
Still life demo for shaders. Once the tutorial showed me how to make the shimmery orb, I was hooked. I created the shaders for the swirly table, the purple mass, the static banana, the eldritch pear and the lava lamp. The lava lamp was by far the most complex - I had to look up quite a few youtube tutorials to figure out how to piece it together. Shaders used to seem scary and unapproachable, but I'm glad I'm doing this course because now I'm seeing just how fun they can be!
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