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Worley Studios
I am an artist. Creativity is my passion and I express it through painting, art, writing and music. In my youth, I'd always experimented with game ideas; drawing labyrinths, writing stories and so on. In 2017, I finished writing my first fantasy novel in a multi-series. When writing it, I imagined the scenes like in a game or movie. I fantasized playing through it as a 3D video game where the player would be able to play between three different characters while their stories progressed and ultimately intersected. I also compose songs & music; writing frequently and in many genres. Having interests in art, writing, music and design can be overwhelming at times but when you have a story, a desire to see it unfold and an incredible game engine like Unity - all those gifts can be united in a solid game brought to life. Imagination is limitless and everyone has a story to tell...