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How to
I remember getting table tennis for our console TV and feeding quarters into asteroids when I was little. Hooked on Zelda with the original Nintendo, Rock n Roll Racer, was Laura Croft's biggest fan when she first appeared, played Halo with my son, was guildies with my whole family when I rolled a blood elf in WoW and got my steam account when I got Total War. Alot of years gaming, and always had a bunch of ideas but was just a month ago I decided to dip into game development and start learning how to bring a concept to life. I have so much to figure out and no related education, but will pick up what I can to move my first project forward.
Boom Crates
1K views24 plays0 likes0 comments
Crazy Moose
1K views51 plays1 likes2 comments
Grandpa's Afternoon Nap
1K views18 plays0 likes1 comments
Retrieving the Diamond of Nostariel
1K views26 plays1 likes0 comments
Night Kart Racer
1K views24 plays1 likes2 comments
Orange Man!
1K views16 plays0 likes1 comments
FPS Clear!
1K views145 plays1 likes1 comments