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How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
Controls - Space is shoot, R, F, or E is stun, WASD moves, UP and DOWN arrows are height, and LEFT and RIGHT arrows are rotation. The point of the game is to get to the opposing team's "zone" and back without getting destroyed. The "zone" is the large opaque box at both ends of the arena. You can download and play the game on itch.io here https://jbrosdev.itch.io/capture-the-drones
Controls - Space is shoot, R, F, or E is stun, WASD moves, UP and DOWN arrows are height, and LEFT and RIGHT arrows are rotation. The point of the game is to get to the opposing team's "zone" and back without getting destroyed. The "zone" is the large opaque box at both ends of the arena. You can download and play the game on itch.io here https://jbrosdev.itch.io/capture-the-drones
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