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19 Mar 2022
Keyframed animations 1.expanding UFO 2.pulsating and glowing banana pet 3.glowing street light 4. levitating UFO Externally Sourced Animations 1. alien greeting 2.handshake 3.punch(When right shift is pressed) Animator Controllers 1.Alien Greetings 2.PetBananaGlowingandPulsating 3.Robot Movement and Punch Story A robot lands on an alien planet and encounters two aliens, an alien pet banana and some alien UFOs. All assets taken from asset store and are: Shake Hands Everyday Motion Pack Free (gizmozman) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/everyday-motion-pack-free-115067#description Standard Unity Asset Store EULA Robot Idle and Punch Animation Fighter Pack Bundle Free (Explosive) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/fighter-pack-bundle-free-36286 Standard Unity Asset Store EULA Alien Greeting Animation & Dances Dance Animations Free (Kevin Iglesias) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/dance-animations-free-161313 Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Keyframed animations 1.expanding UFO 2.pulsating and glowing banana pet 3.glowing street light 4. levitating UFO Externally Sourced Animations 1. alien greeting 2.handshake 3.punch(When right shift is pressed) Animator Controllers 1.Alien Greetings 2.PetBananaGlowingandPulsating 3.Robot Movement and Punch Story A robot lands on an alien planet and encounters two aliens, an alien pet banana and some alien UFOs. All assets taken from asset store and are: Shake Hands Everyday Motion Pack Free (gizmozman) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/everyday-motion-pack-free-115067#description Standard Unity Asset Store EULA Robot Idle and Punch Animation Fighter Pack Bundle Free (Explosive) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/fighter-pack-bundle-free-36286 Standard Unity Asset Store EULA Alien Greeting Animation & Dances Dance Animations Free (Kevin Iglesias) https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/dance-animations-free-161313 Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
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Working with Animations and Animation Curves
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