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30 Apr 2021
Welcome to this Unity Showcase Demo of "La Mora - A journey in time" Time is Broken. This should be the Golden age of Mankind. Someone, something, has changed our history, and left us picking up the pieces. You are part of a group tasked with repairing the damage... However, something went wrong. You can't remember your mission and the machine that brought you here is broken. Your only clues are vague memories, along with a name; La Mora. You have to piece together your mission, your memory, and your wits, before time as we know it, is gone for good! Enjoy your tiny journey in time! - Allan and the La Mora Team [Controls] [WASD] - Move [MOUSE] - Turn Camera [E] - Action Button [SPACE] - Jump / Climb Ladders [TAB] - Open Inventory / Quest Log [ESC] - Pause Menu
Welcome to this Unity Showcase Demo of "La Mora - A journey in time" Time is Broken. This should be the Golden age of Mankind. Someone, something, has changed our history, and left us picking up the pieces. You are part of a group tasked with repairing the damage... However, something went wrong. You can't remember your mission and the machine that brought you here is broken. Your only clues are vague memories, along with a name; La Mora. You have to piece together your mission, your memory, and your wits, before time as we know it, is gone for good! Enjoy your tiny journey in time! - Allan and the La Mora Team [Controls] [WASD] - Move [MOUSE] - Turn Camera [E] - Action Button [SPACE] - Jump / Climb Ladders [TAB] - Open Inventory / Quest Log [ESC] - Pause Menu
Made with
POLYGON Sci-Fi City - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty
Puzzle Creator: Add puzzles to your game
Bakery - GPU Lightmapper
Bakery Real-Time Preview
POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty
POLYGON Modular Fantasy Hero Characters - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty
Tunnel FX 2
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