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06 Jul 2020
A simple Angry Birds wannabe made from this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR0e-1UBEOU by Jason Weimann Plus a few adjustments: -Made the bird only launchable once per turn -Locked the camera to not show out of bounds areas -Modified the ways the enemy can die -Added a menu scene and end scene -Limited the aim direction of the bird -Added animated dots to indicate waiting time after launch
A simple Angry Birds wannabe made from this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR0e-1UBEOU by Jason Weimann Plus a few adjustments: -Made the bird only launchable once per turn -Locked the camera to not show out of bounds areas -Modified the ways the enemy can die -Added a menu scene and end scene -Limited the aim direction of the bird -Added animated dots to indicate waiting time after launch
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