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How to

Pause (V)
Stop (B)
26 Jun 2020
Force is only applied to the player forwards and backwards using the up and down keys, so rotate the scene with the left & right arrows to move the player the way you need to powerup by hitting the potion bottles while avoiding the enemies that relentlessly move towards the player and avoiding falling off the island. The player can easily knock the enemies off the island by colliding with them during the seven seconds the power is up, indicated by the glowing yellow ring. Number of enemies and potion bottles increases each round. Done for Creating with Code course Unit 4. Mods: particles when powerup activated, music, collision sounds, Game Over! in console and application.quit in build.
Force is only applied to the player forwards and backwards using the up and down keys, so rotate the scene with the left & right arrows to move the player the way you need to powerup by hitting the potion bottles while avoiding the enemies that relentlessly move towards the player and avoiding falling off the island. The player can easily knock the enemies off the island by colliding with them during the seven seconds the power is up, indicated by the glowing yellow ring. Number of enemies and potion bottles increases each round. Done for Creating with Code course Unit 4. Mods: particles when powerup activated, music, collision sounds, Game Over! in console and application.quit in build.
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