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02 Apr 2023
Play this number guessing game. The robot chooses a number that is almost impossible to guess right! Click on numbers when the screen says, "Guess." If it does not say guess, do not guess or it will make the game weird. If you get one right, you get a lot of points, if you get one wrong you lose a lot of points. I give credits to my friend for drawing the robot. You can move the robot around for fun, but it's unnecessary.
Play this number guessing game. The robot chooses a number that is almost impossible to guess right! Click on numbers when the screen says, "Guess." If it does not say guess, do not guess or it will make the game weird. If you get one right, you get a lot of points, if you get one wrong you lose a lot of points. I give credits to my friend for drawing the robot. You can move the robot around for fun, but it's unnecessary.
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