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08 Aug 2021
Controls: WASD to move, mouse to click. This game is used as a playground to demonstrate the four pillars of object oriented programming. After selecting your hero class you will enter the maze, a dungeon filled with enemies (grey = skeletons, red = thieves). They will follow you when getting closer, so better defeat them in a battle (which will automatically start when the enemy reaches you). When your hero dies, you will load to a transition scene and then back to the main menu, where you can select one of the remaining heroes. There is no deeper story or winning condition, as the main focus was to see how the four pillars of object oriented programming are applied in an interactive scenario. Have fun :)
Controls: WASD to move, mouse to click. This game is used as a playground to demonstrate the four pillars of object oriented programming. After selecting your hero class you will enter the maze, a dungeon filled with enemies (grey = skeletons, red = thieves). They will follow you when getting closer, so better defeat them in a battle (which will automatically start when the enemy reaches you). When your hero dies, you will load to a transition scene and then back to the main menu, where you can select one of the remaining heroes. There is no deeper story or winning condition, as the main focus was to see how the four pillars of object oriented programming are applied in an interactive scenario. Have fun :)
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