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04 Apr 2022
Updates from last version: Added an Enemy, Enemy UI, Item UI, Light Attack Combo and Damage Collision for the light attack, the heavy one wasn't yet updated so, keep that in mind. Also worth noting that if you press an attack button as soon as the game starts it will bug, since no weapon is equiped, to avoid that, press the Left and Right Arrow on the keyboard, or the left and right button on the D-Pad if you are playing with a gamepad. Thanks a lot for giving this a go, you are awesome! Controls: You can use keyboard and mouse or a gamepad. Moving (WASD / left analog stick), Camera (Mouse, right analog stick) Sprinting (press and hold Left Shift / Button East while moving), Roll (press Left Shift / Button East and choose a direction), Step Back (press once Left Shift / Button East), Light Attack (press E / RB), Light Attack Combo (press E / RB quickly after the first attack), Heavy Attack (press R / RT), Equip Weapons (Left, Right Keyboard Arrows or Left, Right D-Pad Buttons).
Updates from last version: Added an Enemy, Enemy UI, Item UI, Light Attack Combo and Damage Collision for the light attack, the heavy one wasn't yet updated so, keep that in mind. Also worth noting that if you press an attack button as soon as the game starts it will bug, since no weapon is equiped, to avoid that, press the Left and Right Arrow on the keyboard, or the left and right button on the D-Pad if you are playing with a gamepad. Thanks a lot for giving this a go, you are awesome! Controls: You can use keyboard and mouse or a gamepad. Moving (WASD / left analog stick), Camera (Mouse, right analog stick) Sprinting (press and hold Left Shift / Button East while moving), Roll (press Left Shift / Button East and choose a direction), Step Back (press once Left Shift / Button East), Light Attack (press E / RB), Light Attack Combo (press E / RB quickly after the first attack), Heavy Attack (press R / RT), Equip Weapons (Left, Right Keyboard Arrows or Left, Right D-Pad Buttons).
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