On The Fly
Published 6 years ago
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A story of two birds in love ~ For Ludum Dare Game-Jam 41
The theme for this spring's Ludum Dare Game Jam was: "Two Incompatible Genres". My two-person team: Myself (@Flightyfelon on Twitter) doing art and my friend Joshua Hurd (@qkjosh on Twitter) doing programming, was very excited about the many possibilities this theme could create and decided on "Endless Runner/Dating Sim".
Thus, we set about laying the groundwork for our game. Our pillars were:
  1. A zen, relaxing experience
  2. Cute birbs with noodle-necks
  3. Love~~!
We wanted to create pillars for our game so whenever we came up with an idea that sounded cool, we compared it to the pillars to see if it would add to them or distract from them. An extremely important step, as it turned out.
Because time is so crucial in a Game Jam, we kept the game to the basics, focusing on mood, color and sound to invoke the zen experience we wanted. The game doesn't end (because we would have had to sacrifice time on other things to implement that haha) but that's okay. It's best played with a friend or loved one. Very simple to control, even preschool children have enjoyed playing it with their parents.
We hope you give it a try! - Rebecca Kremer & Joshua Hurd