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South APAC Challenge

South APAC Challenge
UnitytimelineCinemachineVisual ShaderPost Processing StackSeaANZ
I agree to the Rules and Conditions.
Mar 13 - May 10 2018

Create an urban environment scene with crazy inhabitants using the Unity engine, your imagination and your artistic skill and stand a chance to win an all-expense paid trip* to Unite Europe 2018 held in Berlin, Germany!

Welcome to the first ever South APAC exclusive Unity Connect Challenge hosted and sponsored by Unity Technologies, the South APAC Challenge! By submitting, you’ll be agreeing to not only the SAPAC Challenge terms of service, but you’ll also be required to login using your UnityID. But don't worry! Click "Upload Your Project" to start your submission now -- you'll have the entire length of the contest to edit it and others can see your submission in progress.
This contest is only limited to countries within the Southern Asia Pacific region.


First Place : Droidbulb by Pimpaka Lertjittikun (Thailand)
Second Place : Animal Underbelly by Brett (Australia)
Third Place : Into-Light by Muhammad Ibtesam (Pakistan)
Community Voting Prize ($400 Asset Store Voucher) : Shaitankol by Vasa Zinchuk (Kazakhstan)

SAPAC Challenge

At Unite Melbourne, Singapore and India, we showcased many powerful artist-friendly tools such as Cinemachine, Timeline, and Post Processing Stack. To add on to that, we’ve recently launched the first public beta version for Unity 2018.1 which includes many new and improved features across the board. This features and tools illustrates the power of Unity and the Asset Store for rapid visual prototyping, showing how teams and individual creators across the globe can turn their ideas into scenes in the span of days rather than weeks.
Now we want to see what our talented community of creators in the South Asia Pacific region is capable of, which is why we’re excited to announce the launch of the South APAC Challenge. We have a grand prize of an all expense paid trip for 1 to Unite Europe 2018 - which includes flight, accommodation, a press release and be featured on the Made With Unity social site for the first place winner! Don’t worry, there’s a total of 3 prizes to be won. The contest will run live from 14 Mar 2018 to 11 May 2018.

Theme: Be a Feature Creature

In this dystopic world, we’re challenging creators to think of a modern urban landscape, anyone can be an inhabitant, anything can happen in this space. Imagine a near future society in a familiar urban environment and any conceivable dwellers they may hold. Let your creativity run wild. Think of the theme within a broad category of modern urban landscape with fascinating life forms.
We’re providing you some amazing fantasy realism concept art from Ben Ee, to inspire your production work. Refer to the concept art below available for the contest, several examples are shown. Feel free to create your scenes based on this art or create a scene based on your own original idea.

Challenge Brief

Your submission will require you to create one (1) creative environment that best resonates with you, rendered in Unity, which will be represented as a video in your final submission. The video must show your environment scene in real-time and must show multiple views and close-ups.
As part of your submission you will need to submit an article with a callout sheet and description of your production process. We want you to be able to share your knowledge and techniques with the greater Unity community along with the narrative of your scene that you're trying to tell. We also want to know about the creative ways you leveraged Cinemachine, Timeline, Post Processing Stack and bonus points when you use Visual Shader within your scene.
You will need to include (1) a video of your environment uploaded to a video platform (1080 minimum resolution), YouTube is preferred, if possible. (2) Images/screenshots of work-in-progress shots as well as any custom assets and Asset Store assets you used in your scene. (3) making-of article with an overview of the production process from concept to your final video. Make sure to credit the concept art you based your scene on.
You can build the scene using any assets you create as well as anything from the Asset Store. Make sure to add GIF's, images, screenshots, and video of your work!


  • One (1) completed game environment created in Unity 2017.1, Unity 2017.2, Unity 2017.3 or Unity 2018.1 which utilizes Cinemachine, Timeline, Post Processing Stack (v1 or v2) and the Visual Shader (Optional).
  • One (1) ‘making of’ submission with a callout sheet which will include:
  • One (1) embedded final scene video shown at minimum 1080 resolution uploaded to a public video platform.
  • An overview of your entire creation process including: introduction to your team, narrative inspiration, scene conceptualization, material creation, production process, and post-production.
  • An explanation of how the Asset Store, Cinemachine, Timeline, and the Post Processing Stack were used in your scene.
  • Work-in-progress images, GIF's, and video and final list as any free or paid assets used from the Asset Store.
  • Work-in-progress media highlighting all custom created assets. We recommend using Sketchfab for any custom models or scene samples, simply upload any of your models and embed the link directly in your submission.

Judging Criteria

Submissions will be judged based on composition, creativity, and execution. We’re looking for cohesive scenes which are able evoke a clear visual narrative. Successful submissions will leverage Unity’s powerful cinematic tools alongside detailed environments, thematic music, and high-quality models to bring to life a scene to life.

Awards and Prizes

The grand prize and second prize categories are selected by a group of judges. The community awards will be selected by the community based on the number of likes on the submission. The total prize package of all prizes is $6,800.
One (1) grand prize winner selected by judges (estimated retail value of $4,400)
  • Flight & Accommodation for 1 pax to Unite EU
  • 1 ticket to Unite Europe 2018
  • Showcase in one of Unite Singapore, Australia or India 2018
  • Press release & MWU Social Highlight
One (1) second prize winner selected by judges (estimated retail value of $1,500)
  • Flight & Accommodation for 1 pax to one of Unite Singapore, Australia or India 2018
  • Showcase in one of Unite Singapore, Australia or India 2018
  • MWU Social Highlight
One (1) third prize winner selected by judges (estimated retail value of $900)
  • $400 Asset Store Voucher
  • Showcase in one of Unite Singapore, Australia or India 2018
  • MWU Social Highlight

Challenge Rules

The scene must be produced and submitted between 00:01 AM SGT 14 March 2018 and 11 May 2018 23:59 SGT on the South APAC Challenge submission page on Unity Connect.
Your environment scene can be composed of models and environments you have created as well as any additional free or paid assets from the Unity Asset Store. All character and environment art associated to the Adam demo are excluded from use in this contest. Use of the volumetric lighting from the Adam demo is acceptable.
Content from other marketplaces can be used as long as you have the proper rights to use these assets. Your scene should based on the theme provided. The scene must also be created using Unity 2017.1, 2017.2, 2017.3 or 2018.1. You also must implement Cinemachine, Timeline, and the Post Processing Stack within your scene.
Individual submissions and team submissions are ineligible for prizes from the following cou
Note: All character and environment art associated to the Adam demo are excluded from use in this contest.
Concept Art Use
We’ve provided concept art by Ben Ee, to inspire your scenes. Feel free to use any elements of these pieces in your work. Environments can also be based off the concept art or your own original idea.
Winners Announcements
All winners will be announced on Unity Connect and the Unity blog in mid-May 2018.
You must detail your production from start to finish in your submission. Include images and descriptions of how Asset Store assets, Cinemachine, Timeline, Post Processing Stack and/or Visual Shader were used and shown in the scene.
Tackle the challenge solo or feel free to work with other team members on the project. All team members must be added as contributors on the project, must have Unity Connect profiles, and should be properly attributed in your submission as contributors.

Guide to Entry

Getting Started
  1. Choose a piece of concept art on this showcase to inspire your production work on or base it off your own original idea which fits the challenge theme.
  2. Download Unity here or if you are integrating Visual Shader, you will need to download beta Unity 2018.1.
  3. Cinemachine, Post Processing Stack (Download v1 from Asset Store or v2 from Github) and Visual Shader (optional).
  4. Download any useful assets from the Asset Store. List of free assets here and South APAC Challenge recommended assets here.
  5. Check out the Resources section below for useful tutorials and documentation to get you familiar with Unity's features.
  6. Start building your scene!
  7. Once finished, download and use Unity Recorder (recommended) to record your final scene or otherwise we recommend the use of in-editor video capture tools on the Unity Asset Store.
  8. Edit your video and =upload it to a public video platform (i.e. YouTube, Vimeo).
  1. Go to connect.unity.com
  2. Login using your Unity ID credentials.
  3. If you don’t have a Unity ID, please create one.
  4. If you have to create a Unity ID, you will have to fill out a form and verify your email.
  5. Once finished you’ll be ready to use Connect.
  6. Please fill your profile as completely as possible (profile photo, cover photo, etc.)
  7. Remember you need a nearly fleshed out profile in order to be eligible! (at least 70%)
Final Submission - Submit Project
  1. Go to connect.unity.com/challenges/southapacchallenge.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. Add Project Name.
  4. Embed a public video of your final scene at the start of your submission.
  5. Add details of your entire production process from concept to final production. Include explanations of how Cinemachine, Timeline, Post Processing Stack, Visual Shader (optional) and any assets from the Unity Asset Store were used in the scene. Topics to consider discussing: terrain, materials, lighting, animation, cameras, and post processing.
  6. Add work-in-progress images, GIFs, and video to your submission.
  7. Add tags and tag all uploaded content with #SAPACChallenge.
  8. Add any contributors who helped you along the way.
  9. Publish!
  10. Remember to share your submission on social media. Unite tickets to be won!


We’ve listed all of the tools and resources you need to start creating for the South APAC Challenge below.
Key Downloads
  • Unity - The most recent version of Unity. Download
  • Cinemachine - A powerful, easy-to-use procedural camera system. Download
  • Post Processing Stack - An all-in-one post process effects pipeline. Download
  • Timeline - Included in the Unity editor, a tool for creating cinematic content and gameplay sequences. Read More
  • Visual Shader - Included in the latest Unity 2018.1 Beta release, enables you to build shaders visually. Instead of hand-writing code, you can create and connect nodes in a graph network with previews at every step to help you design and debug your shaders. Download
  • Unity Asset Store - A catalog of over 40K assets and tools. Explore to find useful models, tools, and plugins to help you build your scene. See all assets. See South APAC Challenge recommended assets.
  • Unity Recorder - Unity Recorder captures video and images during gameplay and records to various media formats. Download
  • Unity User Manual - Documentation
  • Cinemachine - Documentation
  • Timeline - Documentation
  • Post Processing Stack - Documentation
  • Visual Shader - Forum Documentation
Resource Pages
  • Unity Learn - Core resources for learning Unity including documentation, tutorials, and webinar courses.
  • Unity for Artists and Animators - A collection of resources and learning material for Artist and Animators.
Official Unity Video Tutorials
  • Cinemachine, Timeline, and Post Processing Stack Tutorial
  • Getting Started With Timeline
  • Using Cinemachine: Post Processing
  • Using Cinemachine: Track and Dolly
  • Using Cinemachine: FreeLook Camera
  • Using Cinemachine: State Driven Cameras
Community Tutorials
  • Intro to Timeline by Brackeys
  • Intro to Cinemachine by Brackeys
  • Intro to 2018.1 Beta by Brackeys
Contest Judges
Jay Santos - Lead Evangelist, SAPAC
John Sietsma - Evangelist, Australia & New Zealand
Boon Yi Fei - Field Engineer, SAPAC
Arvind Neelakantan - Evangelist, India
Madhur Gupta - Field Engineer, India


I want to submit but my project isn't final - what should I do?
Feel free to upload your project now in any state. You'll have the entire length of the challenge to update it to its final status.
Am I eligible to participate?
This Contest is open to residents residing in South Asia-Pacific, excluding US, Canada, EMEA, China, Japan, Korea.
Does it matter what version of Unity I use?
To be eligible to win and to leverage the necessary features, you must use Unity 2017.1, Unity 2017.2, or Unity 2017.3 to create your scene.
Where do I ask questions about the challenge?
Ask all questions regarding the challenge in the Unity Connect Challenges lobby here.
Where do I learn how to use new features of Unity including Cinemachine, Timeline, and the Post -Processing Stack?
The section titled Learning Resources above contains the basics to getting you started using Unity’s newest features. Check our YouTube for even more learning material to get you familiar with these features.
Can I submit multiple submissions for the challenge?
No, you can only submit one submission to the contest.
Can I work with a team of people on my submission?
Yes, you can work with a team, but you submit the contest by yourself. All team members must be properly attributed in your submission and they must have Unity Connect profiles.
Can my design be based on an existing IP?
No, your work cannot infringe on any existing IP’s rights. Your work can be based on your own original idea or the existing concept art provided specifically for this challenge.
Can we use assets from other online content libraries than Unity Asset Store?
Feel free to utilize assets you’ve purchased in your scene from the Asset Store and other asset libraries as long as you agree that you have the proper rights to use these assets in the challenge.
Do I have to buy an asset from the Unity Asset Store for my scene?
No, you do not need to purchase an asset to enter the contest. However, feel free to use any free or paid assets on the Unity Asset Store to build your scene. Here is a list of free assets from the Unity Asset Store: Free Assets.
Can I use existing assets I’ve purchased from the Unity Asset Store in my scene?
Yes, you can use any mix free and paid assets including ones you already own.
I can’t complete my entry because of a bug, can Unity help?
We currently cannot provided technical support for submissions in progress.
Where can I go if I have questions on the project?
Please visit the Unity Connect Challenges channel for any questions you have regarding the contest or reach out to events_sapac@unity3d.com.
What do I need to show in my final submission?
Feel free to showcase your work in progress over the course of the six weeks with dates for each entry. You should cover all stages of your development in written text from conceptualization to your final video. Feel free to include any media showcasing your work including, images, GIF's, and video. For any custom created models, we support Sketchfab embeds directly in your submission. Finally, make sure your final video is at the top of your submission for review when you submit.

Rules and Prizes
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